Caring for Face Pain and Sleep Apnea
Rich Hirschinger, DDS, MBA
Diplomate American Board of Orofacial Pain
9615 Brighton Way, Suite 323
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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Scibabe Interview of Dr. Hirschinger

On August 21, 2020, Dr. Hirschinger was the guest of Yvette, aka Scibabe, for a two hour Question and Answer about primary headaches. Yvette suffered with a 9.5 year headache that was never properly diagnosed. Yes, that does say "year." Based on the history of the headache that Yvette reported was one sided, and caused her eye to drop, Dr. Hirschinger diagnosed her with hemicrania continua, which is one of the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias. Hemicrania continue is one of two headaches that is "absolutely responsive" to a certain medication named indomethacin. The other is paroxysmal hemicrania. If the diagnosis is correct, and the patient is placed on a therapeutic dose of indomethacin, the headache must resolve completely. A therapeutic dose of indomethacin is 50 mg three times a day. Yvette was already taking indomethacin but she was only taking 75 mg PRN, which means "as needed." Dr. Hirschinger had Yvette take 50 mg every 8 hours, and her headache disappeared after five days.