I wrote this for Drew, my daughter, right before we dropped her off to start her freshman year at UCSB. It was shared many times on Facebook so I decided to post it to my blog. Please let me know what you would add to the list. Enjoy!
1. Trust yourself
2. Make decisions based on what you think is the right choice to make.
3. Listen to live music.
4. Take advantage of the rec center, and the beach.
5. Accept that four years is a short amount of time.
6. You are going to have hurdles in college, and in life. Find a way to get over them but don’t be afraid to ask others for help.
7. I guarantee you will find friends for life in the next few years, and even in the next few days.
8. College is much harder than high school. It’s supposed to be. Don’t let that scare you.
9. Go to class.
10. People rarely change so don’t expect them to.
11. Meet your professors, go to their office hours, and ask them questions. They love to teach and get to know their students.
12. Get involved with something you are passionate about. You will make friends with others that share the same passion.
13. Floss
14. Worry about the things you can control, and don’t try to control the things you can’t.
15. Something I never had to think about was the immediate impact and reach of social media. Have fun but always remember that one photo or video of what you are doing and/or saying can have a long lasting impact on your life, and remember that viral can be as bad as a virus.
16. We live in s small world but the planet is huge. Take advantage of the fact that you will be meeting people from all over the world.
17. Don’t forget to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake but be sure to learn from it.
18. Even though you are an adult most of the boys at college are still boys. Pay attention to how they treat others since they will eventually treat you the same way.
19. Learn to say no and make sure the person hearing you knows that is your answer.
20. Keep watching for shooting stars like you saw on the beach your first night on campus with me.
21. Advice is what others give to you. Seek it out but accept it as advice and know that the decision on what to do is up to you.
22. Everyone around you is feeling the same type of emotions you are feeling so don’t be afraid to talk to your friends about what or how they are feeling.
23. Listen to live music. I know that is a repeat but it is worth the reminder.
24. Don’t be afraid to try something new as long as you are making the choice and it is something you want to do.
25. Don’t pay for an extended warranty…except for Applecare.
26. Don’t let school get in the way of your education.
27. You can’t force someone to repay money you loaned them unless you plan to go to court or to jail so giving people money is rarely a good idea unless you don’t need it back.
28. Bend with your knees not with your back.
29. Measure twice, cut once.
30. Be amazed by our world. You will have a nightly reminder looking at the stars from the beach.
31. Realize that the people you think are “normal” are the ones you don’t know very well.
32. “When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it’s really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do.” Randy Pausch
33. College is your first time living away from home but home is always here.
34. If you love someone, tell them.
35. I love you. I’m proud of you. You are my inspiration and I can’t wait to live vicariously through you for the next four years.